Why Making Vagina Art Might Save The World!

Why Making Vagina Art Might Save The World!
Artist: Namastami, from Pussy Patch Project

Ready for my “Miss America” speech about why I think making vagina art will help to save humanity? Then please read on……

It is very clear now that humans’ worst enemies are ourselves. If we do not change the balance of power in this world, we will literally self-destruct, and this could happen as soon as one or two generations. The planet will survive, we will not.

I believe that for thousands of years there has been an imbalance of power between our male and female species which has led us to where we are today; a world filled with amazing possibilities through science and technology, yet without the broad, long term vision to lead our society into a better future of creation and not destruction.

This is where women need to step up and do what we do best – facilitate the functioning of our society for the betterment of all humankind. To see the wide perspective and long-term profit of changes. During the recent 2020 pandemic we have seen how women leaders have been far superior in leading countries in times of crises than the old dinosaur power mogul leaders of the past.

Yet women do not yet realize this power that we have. We have been suppressed for so many centuries, that very few of us know how to tap into that endless root power. It is no bodies fault. It is basic evolution. Now is the time for us to evolve further and to heal ourselves from our mothers, and grandmothers’ traumas of the past and to realize our potential. How can we do this?

I believe that one of the ways we can begin our healing is to take the taboo our of our sexuality. To realize that once our sexuality is freed from the bound’s society has placed upon us, the rest of our power will flow through as well. If you belive in chakras, it is as if a cork has been placed in our root chakra and our Che has been suppressed. We must “uncork” our chakra so that our energy can flow freely.

My art is all about freeing up the taboo around even talking about this. In humorous, interactive, participatory projects I want to change this as much as I can. I want the discussion to be a common topic around the coffee table. I want men and women to see how this topic touches them, wherever they are on their journey towards healing our planet and humankind.

And that is it for my Miss America speech on how I want to save the world – what do you think?

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