To Love and Listen

Our vulvas have been talking to us and sending messages throughout our lives. Most of us would not even be able to tell which vulva is ours in a line up since it is “down there”, hidden between our legs. How can we hear them if we do not even know what they look like?

It’s time for all of us to “look them in the eye” and listen.

This is a story of 8 courageous people and their conversations with their vulvas.

We made real life casts of peoples vulva’s. Each volunteer of varying sexual orientations, gender identities, and age. During this process we helped them to create a dialogue with their vulvas and to communicate it here in the art. These are displayed on the walls together with their statements anonymously, so that others can look, touch, feel, read, and connect.

Dedicated to all the brave people volunteering to expose their most private parts in the name of art and healing.

Debi Oulu & Tali Margalit (text editing: Shira Avnery

This series has been shown twice – once at a group GBLTQ exhibition, and once at a private exhibition entitled “Pussy” – both times the response to this piece has been astounding. Men, women of all genders and ages have told us how much this touched a sensitive cord in them and triggered thoughts and memories.